In the recent times there has been a great concern over the weight loss among the youngsters.

 Where are we heading to ??/ Why is the society being surrounded by questions about the diet of the kids and the youth!!?/. Is it because of the various disorders prevailing due to imbalanced diet or a fantasy to keep up the physique ?? very confusing indeed.!!There are hundred's of websites citing about the various remedials , foods to be considered , the necessary inputs into the diet and the so called excersise quotient! Does it really work out?/ I doubt . How many of us whole heartdly follow the daily fitness workouts?? The ratio would be really less. Sad but this is the truth . True that people are held with the busy schedules but we aren't concentrating on the prior issue for what we are earning for ! "HEALTH".There are many natural ways to make yourself fit but some where are the other , even they have side effects. But there is one such resource always available with us but never understood its importance ! similar to the saying " you won't know the true value of anything untilll it becomes a memory"!!."WATER" is one such resource that is always available to us and we failed to know its importance in treating the human body. Consumption of hot water every day adds so much to the body be it CIRCULATION OF BLOOD, DIGESTION , METABOLIC RATE , SKIN REPAIR , CONTROL OF BODY FAT AND WHAT NOT!!. THE BEST MEDICINE FOR LEADING A FIT LIFE.The consumption of warm water increases the tightening of the intestines, which optimizes elimination,flushing out toxins. It helps to break down the food in your stomach and keep the digestive system on track. Warm water increases body temperature, which therefore increases the metabolic rate. An increase in metabolic rate allows the body to burn more calories throughout the rate. It can also help the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys to function even better.
“Physicians recommend drinking warm water in the morning, usually, with a polyphenol-rich lemon immersion, or with a tea shown to decrease free radical activity in the body,”.Drinking a glass of warm water and a lemon will help break down the adipose tissue, or body fat, in your body, and also control food craving due to lemon’s pectin fiber.The presence of toxins in the body can lead to aging faster, but warm water can help cleanse the body from those toxins, while repairing skin cells to increase elasticity. So lets get into a better medication rather than getting into the traps of fitness freaks buzzing around! our health is in our hands.


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